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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Last First Game by Gina Azzi: Interview & Giveaway

The Last First Game by Gina Azzi
(The Senior Semester Series, #1)
Publication date: November 2015
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

When Lila Avers accepts a medical internship through Astor University in California for the fall semester of her senior year, she doesn’t expect much. In fact, she’d rather work on her tan and meet a surfer instead of logging long hours at the hospital and studying. But before she even boards her flight to LA, she meets Astor University wide receiver, Cade Wilkins. A football player. When Cade turns out to be so much more than just muscle, Lila is smitten. Maybe a semester away from her friends won’t be so bad after all.
Cade Wilkins is beyond ready for his last season at Astor. Already being scouted and projected as a NFL draft pick, he’s riding a natural high and all set to breeze through his senior year. To sweeten the start of the fall semester, he meets his dream girl at the airport on his way back to LA. Lila Avers, a blonde, blue-eyed angel. Could life get any better?
When Cade is sidelined by an unexpected injury, he’s devastated to learn of more serious health concerns. As his world implodes, Lila holds him together. But is she strong enough to see him through his recovery?
As their own insecurities and doubts emerge, their new, fragile relationship is tested. Can Cade and Lila handle the ugly truths of falling in love when tensions flare, boundaries are violated, and uncertainty looms over the future of their relationship?

Available at:

Author Bio

Gina Azzi loved every moment of college – especially her study abroad experiences, internships, and travel adventures! She drew on her college experiences to create the storylines for The Senior Semester Series.

Gina is a passionate reader, frequent globetrotter, and coffee enthusiast. She currently resides in Dubai with her husband Tony.

Gina loves meeting new people and would love to hear from you! Get in touch with her at:

Email: ginaazziauthor@gmail.com

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Please welcome The Last First Game author Gina Azzi to Diane’s Book Blog. 

Hi Diane! Thank you so much for having me share on your blog!

Where did the idea for The Last First Game come from?

The Last First Game – and The Senior Semester Series – was largely motivated by my college experiences. I loved university – and studying abroad, interning, meeting new people, traveling! And of course, dating, falling in love, and obsessing over all the details with my best friends. I thought it would be fun to write a series where four friends have different experiences but get to share them with each other. College is a very impressionable time – but often a wonderful experience for taking new risks, accepting new challenges, and pushing past your comfort zone to learn new things. I think that’s what motivated me the most to create The Senior Semester Series. Then, The Last First Game was an extension of that – and I always wanted to go to California to study! (I still haven’t been – not even for a wine tasting.)

How long did it take you to write The Last First Game?

3 months

If you could be best friends with one of your characters, who would it be?

I think Nessa from Corner of Ocean and Bay – I relate with her serious outlook and loyalty to her friends. Also, I like her steady dependability and honesty.

What inspired you to write your first book?

My childhood and summers growing up at the Jersey Shore – it was really the best!

Who or what inspired you to be a writer?

I’ve always loved writing but my husband really inspired me to pursue it and self-publish. He told me how lucky I am to find something that I’m passionate about so I better do something about it!

What's your favorite book-turned movie?

Little Women. I loved it since I was a little girl and it’s one of the only movies I’ve seen before reading the book. After watching the movie, I loved it so much that my aunt gave me her copy of Little Women from when she was a girl and I loved the book even more!

What book are you reading now?

Bringing up Bébé by Pamela Druckerman – I’m expecting my first baby in November!  BTW – the book is very informative but also engaging and hysterical!

What do you prefer paperback, hardcover, or ebooks?

Typically, I would say paperback – I was very opposed to buying an ereader. My mom insisted as I was traveling and she was running out of space to hold all my books so she bought me a Kindle for Christmas. And then it changed my life. Now, I definitely love ebooks – mainly because I can access them from anywhere in the world. I love being able to buy a book at night if I can’t sleep or right before I board a flight. It’s amazing!

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

A big thank you for all of your support! The kind messages and well wishes I received after the publication of Corner of Ocean and Bay were inspiring and humbling. Your encouragement contributed to my continuing on this journey by writing The Senior Semester Series. Additionally, the constructive feedback I received allowed me to improve as a writer. So thank you for taking the time to reach out to me, thank you for supporting my dream, and thank you for helping me to grow into a better writer.



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