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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Wicked Hot Reads Boxed Set: Guest Post & Giveaway

Wicked Hot Reads: 10 Paranormal Romances Boxed Set 

Publication date: October 7th 2014
Genres: Adult, Paranormal Romance

Indulge in ten sexy paranormal romance novels, written by New York Times and USA Today bestselling romance authors. With shifters, vampires, demons, and otherworldly creatures all looking for their own forever-loves… This box set bundle will get you in the mood for a sensual Halloween!

The books in Wicked Hot Reads: 10 Paranormal Romances would cost over $30 to buy individually. Save $29 by getting the bundle for just 99c for a limited time!

Beauty and the Beast (an erotic re-imagining) by NYT & USA Today bestseller Shoshanna Evers: The Beast can’t let his little Beauty go free, not while there’s still hope that she might be the one to end his decade-long curse…

Knocking on Demon’s Door by NYT & USA Today bestseller Cathryn Fox: When Michelle discovers what’s really going on at the resort, will her trust in a demon turn her in to one of the missing, or will he save her from the real monsters?

The Wolf Who Played With Fire by NYT & USA Today bestseller Sarah Mäkelä: Mia’s mistakes have forever changed the lives of those close to her, but when her soldier boyfriend, Ethan, goes missing on duty, she harness every magic power she possesses to get him safely back…

Fallen Ever After by NYT & USA Today bestseller A.C. James: Arie wanted Holly from the very first moment he met her, but the long-standing feud between the faeries that run the Chicago Crew puts Holly and other fledgling vampires in danger. Can they stop a vampire-fae war that’s been brewing for nearly a century?

Bared to Him by NYT & USA Today bestseller Jan Springer: Human by day, and a tentacle shapeshifter by night, sexy Gray Wagner, is the last male that Miranda Bolton dreams of falling in love with, until she begins to fantasize about all the naughty things he can do to her…

A Mate’s Bite by USA Today bestseller Milly Taiden: After an explosive night of passion, Karla is sure she’s a one-night stand for the man she’s wanted for years, but Nate has marked Karla. Only true love and a wolf’s promise can hold together a relationship created with a bite and a hope for tomorrow.

Archangel Rafe by Lisa Hughey: Angelina’s only respite from her overwhelming life is in her dreams with a stunningly hot angel, but when an unexpected threat puts both the Angelic Realm and Earth in jeopardy, Angelina will need to accept her destiny before it’s too late…

Blaze of Secrets by Jessie Donovan: Rescued from a prison for magic users, Kiarra is now a wanted criminal and must rely on a mysterious Brit to help her evade capture. Before long, her handsome rescuer becomes much more than just her trainer…

Mark of the Serapath by Titania Ladley: After a catastrophe unleashes Josie’s Serapathian witch magic, she suspects her sexy, mysterious lover is a Kynthian vampire ordered to kill all Serapaths. Despite the risks, passion explodes between them, threatening the future of the entire world.

Dragon’s Honor by Mina Carter: Bodyguard duty. Undercover. As human. Simple. Until shadow-dragon Baron realizes the woman they’re protecting is his mate. Add in a crazy warlock…and Baron might have to make the ultimate sacrifice to save her.

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Guest Post:

3 Wicked-Hot Halloween Tidbits 
by Titania Ladley

With the release of our Wicked Hot Reads box set full of Halloweeny paranormal romance stories by ten fabulous authors, including New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon best sellers, we’d all like to pose the three following must-know questions to our readers:

1) What's the most unique/scary/fave/cool Halloween costume you've ever seen or worn?

2) What's your favorite and least favorite Halloween candy?
3) What's your favorite paranormal creature to write or read about?

To get the pumpkin rolling, the ten of us will answer our own questions. Then it’s your turn! J

Jessie Donovan - author of Blaze of Secrets featuring the Feiru, elemental magic creatures.
1) My mother was a master seamstress and one year she made me the Belle costume (the big ballroom dress) from Beauty and the Beast (in blue instead of yellow) and it was gorgeous! Too bad my cats at the time destroyed it shortly after I wore it.

2) I don't like candy very much, but if I had to choose, then either Twix or Almond Joy for my favorite, and Good & Plenty as my least favorite.
3) Definitely dragon-shifters.

AC James - author of Fallen Ever After featuring mystical faeries and hot vampires.
1) When I was pregnant, I went to a Halloween costume party as Mother Earth. I stole a fall wreath from my mother-in-law, wore a brown hippie skirt with a tie-dye bikini top, and my girlfriend drew the earth on my belly in blue and green costume makeup.

2) Bubblegum.
3) I'd have to say that I've been a fan of vampire romance since I was a teenager. Both reading it and writing it.

Jan Springer - author of Bared to Him presenting “talented” tentacle shapeshifters. ;)
1) One time I saw this guy (or it could have been a girl) who was dressed up like a zombie that looked right out of the tv series the Walking Dead. It freaking scared me and grabbed my imagination to the point where that night I dreamed about waking up in a world full of zombies. *shiver*

2) Luv caramels! Don’t have a least fav... Love all Halloween candy. lol
3) Tentacle Shifters! Woot!

Shoshanna Evers - author of Beauty and the Beast (an erotic re-imagining) spotlighting an enchanting beast.
1) My favorite (and scariest!) Halloween costume was when my husband and I (before we were married) dressed up as a zombie-couple. I did our makeup, with rubber wounds and gashes and dead-looking skin, and we wore dirt-smudged old clothing, as if we'd climbed out of the graveyard that night. We looked pretty gruesome!

2) Favorite: I love candy corn, the kind with brown on it along with the orange and yellow! They taste different from the pure orange and yellow kind, not sure why! Least favorite: those fake candy eyeballs! They are too gross-looking to eat.
3) Writing the Beast from Beauty and the Beast (an erotic re-imagining) was absolutely awesome. I had to make him huge, terrifying, but also sexy, and kind. It was a fun challenge!

Titania Ladley - author of Mark of the Serapath featuring a bewitching witch and a sexy vampire.
1) A unique couple’s costume I saw at a huge Halloween street bash was one where the woman was dressed as a giant electrical socket and the man as an electrical cord with the prongs. They, um, “fit” together very well.
2) My favorite Halloween candy is candy corn. My least favorite is those icky taffy squares wrapped in white wax paper.
3) I love writing witch and wizard characters. All the magic is so fun!

Cathryn Fox - author of Knocking on Demon's Door including irresistible demons.
1) My husband and Kids and I all dressed as tie-dyed hippies and it went to a school Halloween dance. It was great fun.
2) Least fav candy is Tootsie roll. Fav candy is anything chocolate.
3) Favorite paranormal creature: werewolves.

Lisa Hughey - author of Archangel Rafe presenting gorgeous angels.
1) Costume...a few years ago I was a twister board. It was a really fun costume..
2) Fav candy is Reese's PB cups.
3) My favorite paranoramal creature is Archangels. J

Mina Carter - author of Dragon’s Honor featuring breathtaking dragons.
1) I'm in the UK so we don't really 'do' halloween :S I did see a great zombie costume a kid was wearing the other year. It was a zombie onesie complete with a shredded guts breastplate.

2) Chocolate is my favourite, I'm not too fond of boiled sweets. 
3) Shifters, probably. Of any description. J

Milly Taiden - author of A Mate's Bite showcasing Milly’s awesome werewolves.
1) All of them. I'm a big Halloween fan. 

2) Favorite all the chocolates. Least fave candy korn.
3) Wolves.

Sarah Mäkelä – author of The Wolf Who Played With Fire presenting a sexy wolf and a sweet witch.
1) I was Catwoman one year as a kid with the whip and everything. It was a blast.

2) I love Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. I dislike anything with chunky peanuts.
3) Werewolves! <3

So what are your favorite and least favorite Halloween costumes and candies? What are your favorite and least favorite paranormal creatures to read about?

Thanks for joining us. Enjoy the Wicked Hot Reads box set!

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1 comment:

  1. Hi, Diane! Thank you so much for featuring our box set, Wicked Hot Reads. So glad to be here with you. Have a fun Thursday! :o)


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