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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Covered (Gold Hockey #16) by Elise Faber Review

Covered (Gold Hockey, #16)Covered by Elise Faber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Elise Faber has a game-winner with COVERED (Gold Hockey #16). In this story, San Francisco Gold’s Ben Roberts instantly fell for single mom Jordyn Webb and her two sons Sammy and Marcus. Jordyn is the sister of Gold captain, Josh Webb (CAP, Gold Hockey #15) and his best friend. There is an unwritten rule that you stay away from teammate's sisters, but Ben’s not going to let that stop him from going after what he wants.

Jordyn and Ben are perfect for each other. Jordyn has some self-esteem issues after catching her soon to be ex-husband sleeping with her best friend. Ben’s father left him at a young age. He had to pick up the pieces as his mom feel apart, and he needed to take care of his younger sister. He admires Jordyn for her strength and how she takes care of her boys. Ben has some issue to resolve with his past. I loved their emails to each other, and how they help each other heal. I appreciate the bond Ben forms with the boys.

I’m looking forward to Will’s and Lily’s story next, CRUSHED. COVERED is an excellent addition to the Gold Hockey series. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.

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Kindle Edition, 340 pages

Expected publication: October 25th 2022 by Amazon Digital Services

ASIN: B0B4934HZ9

Edition Language: English

Series: Gold Hockey #16

Other Editions: None found

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