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Thursday, September 15, 2016

In Deep (Lockhart Brothers #2) by Brenda Rother Review

In Deep (Lockhart Brothers, #2)In Deep by Brenda Rothert
My rating: 4.5 of 5 Stars

Brenda Rother’s IN DEEP is a heartwarming story that held me encaptivated. April Byerly becomes the new house mom for Grieves House, home for pregnant teenagers; established by Ivy and Reed Lockhart. She is turned off by Reed’s brother, Mason Lockhart; however, as the two get to know each other, emotions turn. This contemporary romance takes place in Lovely, Missouri. It is suitable for new adult and adult audiences.

Brenda Rother does a great job with her character development. I like Mason. He is thirty years old, tech business owner. He is a math and computer programing guru. He understandably swore off of relationships nine years’ prior after being betrayed by his college girlfriend. He is intelligent and protective. He also has a secrete he is keeping from his family. I like twenty-eight-year-old April. She is a former science teacher. She is very motherly and an excellent role model for the girls at Grieves House. She is a good person with a big heart.

I like that Ivy ropes April into taking dance lessons with Mason as a partner. The two get to know and confide in each other. They are really good for one another and grow throughout the story.

I like Miss Dee Dee. She gives some good advice and is an interesting character.

I enjoyed the plot. There were some interesting things that happened throughout the story. IN DEEP was full of emotion and well-written. I love Mason’s older brother Kyle and his kids. I cannot wait to read his story next in book three, DRAWN DEEPER.

Complimentary copy provided in exchange for an honest review.

Kindle Edition, 244 pages
Published July 10th 2015 by Silver Sky Publishing, Inc.
Edition Language: English
Series: Lockhart Brothers #2

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