Monday, July 6, 2015

The Viking Wants Forever by Koko Brown: Interview & Giveaway

The Viking Wants Forever
Koko Brown

Genre: Paranormal, Time Travel,

Publisher: Koko Brown

Date of Publication: June 24, 2015


Number of pages: 215+
Word Count: 80,000

Cover Artist: Syneca Featherstone

Book Description:

A Love Frozen In Time…

Reese Johnson yearns for a life other than the world of drudgery she’s settled for as the manager of a comic book store. What’s that they say? Be careful what you wish for! That’s a motto Reese should have tattooed across her forehead. Because Loki, the Norse god of mischief, has just the remedy for the boring life of this woman who denounces his existence.

His recipe for disaster?

Take a 30 year-old woman and send her back in time as a pawn for revenge. Couple her with Eirik Sigurdsson, a Viking Warlord, too arrogant and baggage-laden to be of any use for anything, but battle and bed. Mix thoroughly, folding in a heavy dose of pride, a tyrannical king, and a sympathetic goddess. Bake at high until a white-hot love is unleashed and then forever frozen in time.

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Author Bio

Koko Brown is a USA Today bestselling author and a quintessential romance junkie, who read over two hundred Zebra Club novels the summer before her senior year.

Bit by the writing bug at an early age, Koko self-published and distributed a newspaper to her fellow classmates in the fourth grade. Unfortunately, her principal put her out of business after one best-selling issue.

Undaunted, Koko continued to write and read everything she could get her hands on. She honed her writing skills as a staff writer for her college's newspaper and even wrote obituaries for the local newspaper. One day, while daydreaming in bed, Koko came up with the idea for her first erotic manuscript. In two short weeks, she fleshed out the story, cleaned it up, then sent it to Ellora's Cave. Three months later, she signed a contract for her vampire novel, Charmed.

Koko lives in the great Sunshine State. She loves to travel and shop in thrift stores.

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Please welcome The Viking Wants Forever author Koko Brown to Diane’s Book Blog. 

What is your favorite part of the story, The Viking Wants Forever? 

My favorite part of The Viking Wants Forever would have to be the ending. The couple have to surmount quite a few trials and tribulations to finally get together. As a reader, I used to love those near-miss moments in romance.

How long did it take you to write The Viking Wants Forever? 

The first edition of The Viking Wants Forever, Frozen in Time only took a few weeks. However, I wasn’t completely happy with the original version. So when the rights were returned to me, I jumped on the chance to expand it, almost doubling the word count.

If you were stranded on a desert island which of your characters do you want by your side? 

I would want Eirik Sigurdsson by my side. He’s a Viking, but he’s also a man of the earth. When not raiding or sailing the high seas, he’s tilling his fields or out hunting, ensuring his people survive the harsh Scandinavian winters.  

If you could be best friends with one of your characters, who would it be?

All my heroines possess some aspect of my personality so I could easily be friends with all of them. Reese Johnson from The Viking Wants Forever is my geeky half. She personifies my love for comic books and superheroes. I would so dress up with her and shut down Comic Con.

What inspired you to write your first book?

I was inspired to write my first book Charmed because I had entirely too much time on my hands. On leave from my 9-5, I filled my days with any and everything, especially reading. While devouring hundreds of books, the idea for Charmed came to me. I pounded it out in two weeks and the rest is history.   

What is your typical day like?     
My day starts early with a wakeup call from my dog, Jaeger. He insists upon walking before the sunrises. After walking him, I hit the gym. I dread working out, but I love how I feel post workout. I also live for the gym’s steam room and whirlpool. I’m a morning person, so I try to get as much writing in before noon. The rest of the day is usually devoted to marketing and promotion. 

Can you share a little of your current work with us?

Her Silver Fox is a December - December romance featuring a mature couple at a crossroads in their lives. When they meet they’re both successful but they’re at a standstill. Fortunately, one provides the other with the necessary fuel to get out their rut.

What book are you reading now?

I’m reading two books right now: Kresley Cole’s Dark Sky and Sharon Cullars’ Filthy Lucre. One’s paranormal, the other historical and they sum up my reading tastes to the tee. In that I’m not loyal to any genre.  

What do you prefer paperback, hardcover, or ebooks? 

I have hundreds of books on my tablet, but I’m still a traditionalist in that I enjoy reading paperbacks. I just love the feel and smell of the pages. And if given the chance of buying a book in either format, I will always choose paper.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Don’t be afraid to check out my books. They just might find something they likeJ


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