Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Shadow Soul by K. Williams: Character Bios & Giveaway

The Shadow Soul
The Trailokya Trilogy #1
By- K. Williams
Genre- Epic Fantasy

The Shadow Soul is the first part of The Trailokya Trilogy, a fantasy series that follows the rise and fall of fabled races and souls at the junction of three worlds: Zion, Earth and Jahannam. K. Williams weaves a tale that will leave you questioning long held convictions about the human legends of Heaven and Hell. Are you ready to enter the gates of Zion and learn the truth?
Captain Maiel is a duta warrior of Zion, a race of giant, winged guardians and chroniclers of the lesser souls. Maiel’s assurances are shaken when she nearly loses a young human girl to the dark forces of Jahannam, the prison realm where the lowest beings reside. To avoid answering to the leaders of her world, Maiel seeks refuge on Earth, but she is pursued by a baron of Jahannam intent on destroying her. Can she be saved before time runs out? Or will she be sacrificed to secure the borders of Zion and to hide the lie her journey uncovers?
With each step further into darkness, long held secrets are revealed and shadows rise from the past to challenge absolutes.

Check out these other titles from K. Williams on sale for a limited time for just 99 cents!

Blue Honor -


OP-DEC: Operation Deceit -


Character Bios

Argus is the companion and sub commander of the wolf pack under C. Maiel’s command in the Moon Order. An artic wolf, Argus was trained by Gediel and is the seventh pup of the seventh litter for Chiron and Imnek, the pride of the Watcher’s packs. Loyal unto death to his captain, Argus took a mate some centuries back, and has not shirked his duties, though his heart is split between these two ladies.


Shee is the wild born mate of Argus. A doting heart, she takes to the pack with ease and adores the Captain as sister, never jealous of how Maiel takes her mate away on long excursions, for she is a formidable fighter too. Trained by the pack and Maiel, she is now a member of the sub unit and goes on missions. Her black coat is a contrast to her mate’s.

The Baron Morgentus

In the ages long past, there was a war in Zion and some of the multitude were cast out. The king sentenced them to eternity in the prison world of Jahannam, below the surface of the volatile planet, until they mended their ways. Morgentus and his leaders seek a way back. Jet black hair and a cadaverous complexion mark him as different from his brethern in Zion. When they fell, they became corrupted and their resonances marked them out a new species: Danava. Morgentus plots from his lowly seat of power, his eye on thrones and concubines. A deep resentment drives him. 

Prince Belial
The infernal prince of Jahannam looks more like a statue--pale skin like marble and flaxen hair. His gold eyes rimmed in red speak of the horrors that put him there. He is patient, for he has learned that the duta are as strong and driven as he. For a time, he will enjoy the spoils of his wars: dolls (fallen aghartian people) and his ill begotten children.

King Adonai
the king of Zion is a guardian sent from the higher realm of Nirvana. He watches over the souls who reside there, ever encouraging them to rise up and come home again. As being, he is formless, having attained a higher state of being, but when he appears to those who require his counsel, it is in comforting designs. He may appear a noble ruler, with long white hair and a beard, decked in white robes; or he may appear like a muse--a body of awe-striking light.

About the Author:

Born in Saratoga Springs, New York, where she continues to reside, K.Williams embarked on a now twenty year career in writing. After a childhood, which consisted of voracious reading and hours of film watching, it was a natural progression to study and work in the arts.
K attended the State University of New York at Morrisville, majoring in the Biological Sciences, and then continued with English and Historical studies at the University at Albany (home of the New York State Writer’s Institute) gaining her Bachelor’s Degree. While attending UA, K interned with the 13th Moon Feminist Literary Magazine, bridging her interests in social movements and art.
Currently, K has completed the MALS program for Film Studies and Screenwriting at Empire State College (SUNY), and is the 2013-2014 recipient of the Foner Fellowship in Arts and Social Justice. K continues to write and is working on the novels of the Trailokya Trilogy, a work that deals with topics in Domestic Violence and crosses the controversial waters of organized religion and secularism. A sequel to OP-DEC is in the research phase, while the adaptation is being shopped to interested film companies. Excerpts of these and more writings can be found at: .



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for hosting me today. I'm so pleased to be able to bring the start of my new series before your readers. Earlier this month it earned and Honorable Mention in the Hollywood Book Festival. Look at the number of entrants on the contest! I am so stoked about this book!
