Sunday, July 26, 2015

Caged Magic by Jennifer Lyon, Giveaway

Risa Faden is a witch whose ultra-powerful shield magic is slowly breaking her mind. But when her beloved goddaughter is snatched by a demon, she’ll risk anything to rescue the baby—including lying to the handsome, intriguing stranger who has the power to help her keep her sanity, save the child…and steal her heart.

Linc Dillinger is a Wing Slayer Hunter whose sexy, rich, bad-boy charm hides a treacherous betrayal that left him emotionally scarred. As a result he risks his life to protect innocents, but is incapable of love—until he meets a beautiful witch who can save his cursed soul. Risa’s fierce courage and loyalty reaches past his barriers and he begins to believe she has the magic to free his caged heart.

But Risa’s lie explodes into dark danger that forces Linc into a hellish high-stakes gamble: He must either win the witch he loves and her godchild…or endure a loss that will destroy them all.

Buy Links


Her magic did that shimmy-and-shake thing again, spreading ripples up her center. Damn, had he gotten prettier in the last twenty minutes? His sun-streaked hair tumbled artfully around his chiseled face, framing golden eyes and full, sexy lips.

Wait, when did she start thinking lips were sexy?

Shifting her focus, she eyed his black shirt stretched across his broad shoulders, the sleeves revealing thick-muscled arms.

“Sugar, you’re making me hard checking me out like that.”

She yanked her attention up to his face.

One side of his mouth twisted up in a you’re so busted smirk.

“I was not checking you out.” Nope, the blame went to pure curiosity about her soul mirror. That was all.

He crossed his arms. “You were staring.”

She shrugged, striving for disinterest. “I was trying to figure out how much time it takes you to style your girly hair and squeeze yourself into that too-tight shirt, pretty boy.”

His gaze heated and traveled over her face, hovering at her lips for a few seconds.

Don’t lick them.
Her neck tingled, and her chest warmed. His stare on her was almost a caress. Even her nipples tightened with sudden awareness. She didn’t do attraction or whatever this was. In fact, she cut her own hair, avoided makeup and ordered most of her clothes from cheap online sites because she didn’t want any man noticing her.

“That tank you’re wearing is tight.”

His voice carried the same smooth and decadent quality as the cream inside a Twinkie. Except as much as she loved Twinkies, they never gave her the shivers like Linc did. She needed to redirect this conversation. “Magic shrinkage. Not my fault.”

Linc’s eyebrows shot up. “What the hell is magic shrinkage?”

Don’t laugh. That would tip her hand. “You know how a washing machine shrinks clothes over time? Well, I had to magically repair this shirt—magic shrinkage.”

He tilted his head, studying her. “You’re lying.”

She stared back. “Am I?”

“Not sure yet. But I play poker, and trust me, sugar, I don’t lose. I’ll learn your tells and figure out when you’re lying.”

That sucked the air out of her swagger. What the hell was she doing verbally sparring with Linc when she needed to find Kendall? “If you’re done flexing, can we get down to business?”

“Sure thing, I’ll flex for you later.” Closing the distance between them, he settled his large hand on her back. “Come on outside.”

Author Bio

Jennifer Lyon, who also writes as Jennifer Apodaca, lives in Southern California where she continually plots ways to convince her husband that they should get a dog. After all, they met at the dog pound, fell in love, married and had three wonderful sons. So far, however, she has failed in her doggy endeavor. She consoles herself by pouring her passion into writing books. To date, Jen has published more than fifteen books and novellas, including a fun and sexy mystery series and a variety of contemporary romances under the name Jennifer Apodaca. As Jennifer Lyon she created a dark, sizzling paranormal series, and The Plus Once Chronicles, an emotionally sensual adult contemporary series. Jen’s won numerous awards and had her books translated into multiple languages, but she still hasn’t come up with a way to persuade her husband that they need a dog.


There are 3 tour wide giveaways!

Open to US, CAN, UK
(1) grand prize $50.00 electronic gift card (Amazon or B&N)
(2) runner up winners of one $25.00 electronic gift card each (Amazon or B&N

Follow the Tour

For more interviews and guest posts with Jennifer plus Caged Magic reviews & Spotlights stop by the tour every day!

The complete schedule can be found HERE!