Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Too Far Gone (Adirondack Pack, #1) by K. C. Stewart Review

Too Far Gone (Adirondack Pack, #1)Too Far Gone by K.C. Stewart
My rating: 4 ½ of 5 stars

Sadie James relocates to Adirondack to start a new life after being attacked by a stalker. Wolf shifter, Tyson Cartwright, was broken after having to kill his sister for treason against the pack. He has shifted becoming a Lone Wolf for the past year. After meeting in the woods, Tyson is drawn to Sadie and feels a need to protect her.

I admired Sadie. What she underwent with the stalker was horrific. She was courageous to pick up her life in an effort to move on from her nightmares.

My heart went out to Tyson. As an enforcer, it would be horrible to be put in a position to have to kill your only blood relative that you loved and raised. It is understandable that he had difficulty dealing with the aftereffects. He is a worthy man who deserves to forgive himself.

Jake is the perfect nemesis for Tyson. He is soulless and responsible for Tyson’s sister’s demise. His though-process was scary and added interesting tension to the story.

Owen Purcell is an admirable Alpha and friend to Tyson. He is clever and a respectable man. I am looking forward to his story in book 2, Fault Lines.

I like that the story was told from both Sadie and Tyson’s viewpoints. I loved Tyson’s impressions of Sadie. He had me giggling. I also appreciated the conversations he had with his wolf side.

I enjoyed the plot. It had a few unexpected twists and was filled with excitement. The story is well-written and had a good pace. K.C. Stewart did an exceptional job creating a believable story with likeable characters. This is one series I will definitely continue.

Complimentary copy provided by author/publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Published June 8th 2015 (first published January 1st 2015)
edition language: English
series: Adirondack Pack #1

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