Monday, June 29, 2015

Las Vegas Sinners Series by Katie Kenyhercz: Interview

Home Ice
by Katie Kenyhercz 

Lorelai Kelly was mere inches from her Olympic goal, but a broken ankle landing a triple axel in the spotlight forced her to delay the gold medal hunt another four years. Now she’s starring in the Sin City on Ice show to make ends meet and focused on a comeback that keeps eluding her grasp.

Dylan gained national attention in his early teens and went on to become the NHL’s youngest captain and leading scorer in his second season. He breathed new life into a sport that had been dying in the States, but it’s lonely at the top. Now the captain of the Vegas Sinners team is feeling the pressure and looking for something more.

America’s ice princess might be the only one who can help his current slump—and Dylan’s way of expressing thanks could undermine everything Lori has worked for. Can two people who spend their lives on the ice thaw just enough to let each other in?

Author Bio

I live in Seattle with my husband and Motley the cat, and I write hockey romance.

I played one season of roller hockey when I was fifteen--it hurt enough that I decided I liked it better as a spectator--and it's been true love ever since! My fictional team is the Las Vegas Sinners, and my real-world team is the Pittsburgh Penguins.

I like strong, capable heroines who bring out the vulnerability in their tough guys.

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Please welcome Katie Kenyhercz to Diane’s Book Blog.

What is your favorite part of Home Ice? 

So I don’t give too much away, I’ll say one of my favorite things is Lori’s makeup artist/friend Margo. Margo is the embodiment of Vegas with all of her glitter and flash, but she’s got a great heart and cracks me up.

How long did it take you to write Home Ice?

If I’m really focused, it takes me about 3 months to write a book, but I started Home Ice last September when I was still living in Little Rock. Then my husband and I moved to WA state, and I took a writing hiatus until after the holidays. I finished it the first week of April.

If you were stranded on a desert island which of your characters do you want by your side?

Kally a.k.a. Dr. Alexandra Kallen. She’s my team sports psychologist. She’s funny, smart and resourceful, and while she pops up in my other books—including Home Ice!—she’s the heroine of Sinners book 2, Full Strength.

Who or what inspired you to be a writer?

When I was twelve, I got addicted to The X-Files, and it was clear to me that Mulder and Scully were meant to be together. I started writing fan fiction and got a lot of positive feedback. It encouraged me to keep going and develop my own characters, but it’s still my ultimate goal to create a hero and heroine as perfect for each other as those two.

What books have most influenced your life?

As a person, Michael Crichton’s biography, Travels really resonated with me. He went to medical school and graduated but chose his writing career instead. Growing up, I always wanted to be a doctor but felt the pull of writing too. His honesty and humility in that book touched me, and it remains my all-time favorite.

As a writer, I fell in love with Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz for the courageous, romantic title character. Rachel Caine is my rockstar plotting idol. She blows me away with the stories she weaves. Janet Evanovich has showed me how to incorporate humor into my writing, and I love her books as well.

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Tough to pick just one, but I’ll say Rachel Caine because she really can plot like no one else. Her Weather Warden series is at the top of my wish-I-wrote-that list! Her heroines are strong and intelligent and take charge of their lives. I love that.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?

When he finally unsnapped his helmet and skated for the door, his face went blank like hed forgotten she was there. Flattering. “Oh. Hey. You stuck around.”
            “Well, you are on my ice.”
            “Yours, huh?” He smiled, and the dimples almost killed her.
            “For the next hour, yes.”
            “And then?”
            “And then the circus comes to town.”
            His eyebrows went up. “As in Circus Circus?”
            She held back a sigh and stood, slinging her skates over her shoulder. “As in Sin City on Ice.”
            “You dont like it? Arent you sort of the star?”
            “Im grateful for the job and the skating time, but Id rather be hardcore training for the next Olympics than stuck in a show thats more about fire and feathers than technique and skill. Not to mention the dangerous lifts with a man I barely know. I tried pairs skating as a kid, but it didnt stick. Im having trouble trusting myself these days, let alone a random guy whos even handsier off the ice.”

What do you love most about hockey?

The first time I went to a game, I had this immediate feeling of peace and rightness, like it was where I was meant to be. Whenever I go to a new city, I go to a hockey game, and it feels like home. There’s something about the clean, crisp smell of fresh ice and the fluid beauty of the game that zens me out. My favorite thing about the game itself is the close, joking brotherhood between the players.

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