Thursday, May 28, 2015

Scent by Jacqueline Paige: Character Interview

Animal Trilogy, Book Two
Jacqueline Paige

eBook ISBN: 9781629292588
Print ISBN: 9781629292595

Genre: Paranormal
Sub Genre: Romance

Novel of 79838 words
Heat rating: 3

Edited by Sally Odgers
Cover Artwork by Amanda Kelsey

Book Description:

Sometimes the answers you get aren’t what you asked.The world can tilt a bit and throw you off balance, just enough that you have to stop and make some adjustments. Kelsey comes home to find out her entire life and everything she thought she knew is a lie. When her world spins out of control and flips in more directions then she could ever count, she struggles to right it again.

Available at Eternal Press   Amazon

Author Bio

Jacqueline Paige lives in Ontario in a small town that's part of the popular Georgian Triangle area.  No one has ever heard of Stayner, so she usually tells people she lives near Collingwood and no, she doesn't ski at Blue Mountain or at all, in fact she's not even fond of snow.

She began her writing career in 2006 and since her first published works in 2009 she hasn't stopped.  Jacqueline describes her writing as all things paranormal, which she has proven is her niche with stories of witches, ghosts, physics and shifters now on the shelves.

When Jacqueline isn't working at her reality job or lost in her writing she spends time with her five children, most of whom are finally able to look after her instead of the other way around.  Together they do random road trips, that usually end up with them lost,  shopping trips where they push every button in the toy aisle, hiking when there's enough time to escape and bizarre things like creating new daring recipes in the kitchen. She's a grandmother to five (so far) and looks forward to corrupting many more in the years to come.

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Character Interview 

Please welcome Kelsey Jennings from Jacqueline Paige's Scent to Diane’s Book Blog. 

What is your full name? Do you have a nickname?

Kelsey Jennings.  The guys just call me Kel or Kels – Cooper has always called me Kitty-Kat … which now that I know what I do about myself makes more sense than it did when I was growing up. 

What is your hair color? Eye color? 

Everyone says it’s strawberry blonde, but I think it’s more of a pale orange – if that makes sense.

My eyes are a pale amber or washed out brown I guess, depending on how you like to look at things. (the picture on the cover is from when my hair was long, glad I did now that I’m back in the shop again – long hair and motor oil don’t mix well)

How old are you?


Where were you born? Where have you lived since then? Where do you currently call home?

Honestly, I don’t know. My parents died when I was a teen, but we moved quite a bit before that, so I don’t remember them ever talking about it. Since they died I lived with a family that were their friends until I went away to college.  I thought I was still looking for a place to call home, but ended up back there so I guess the vast North of rocks and trees is my home.

Who are the people you are closest to?

I guess I’m lucky having several people that are like family and close to. Gage’s mom is the only female in my life really, so I suppose that’s why we’re close. Although I preferred to spend my time in the shop with the guys so Jake and Blair became close friends. Cooper has always been like a treasured older uncle to me. 

What is your greatest regret?

That my parents died before I found out about our heritage. Having had my mother to see me through all of this would have made it so much easier.

Which talent would you most like to have?

To read minds. If I had that then my entire life wouldn’t have been masked with people lying to me.

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