Tuesday, May 26, 2015

HADES: A Demonica Novella by Larissa Ione: Review & Excerpt

HADES Review & Excerpt Tour banner   We are absolutely thrilled to bring you the Review & Excerpt Tour for Larissa Ione's HADES! HADES is a novella in Larissa's Demonica Series as part of the 1001 Dark Nights Collection and is exclusively available as Amazon Kindle and Paperback. Grab the latest installment in this sexy series!

Hades -cover
 About HADES: A fallen angel with a mean streak and a mohawk, Hades has spent thousands of years serving as Jailor of the Underworld. The souls he guards are as evil as they come, but few dare to cross him. All of that changes when a sexy fallen angel infiltrates his prison and unintentionally starts a riot. It’s easy enough to quell an uprising, but for the first time, Hades is torn between delivering justice — or bestowing mercy — on the beautiful female who could be his salvation…or his undoing. Thanks to her unwitting participation in another angel’s plot to start Armageddon, Cataclysm was kicked out of Heaven and is now a fallen angel in service of Hades’s boss, Azagoth. All she wants is to redeem herself and get back where she belongs. But when she gets trapped in Hades’s prison domain with only the cocky but irresistible Hades to help her, Cat finds that where she belongs might be in the place she least expected… 

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HADES - teaser


“And what does good and evil feel like?” he rasped. “On your skin, I mean?”
“I’ll show you.” She moved toward him, every step popping out her hips and making her breasts bounce in a smooth, seductive rhythm. His mouth went dry again, but then it began to water as she reached out and placed her palm in the center of his chest.
Very slowly, she dragged her hand along the contours of his pecs, her touch so featherlike that he barely felt it, and yet, he was hyper-aware of every move her hand made, every centimeter of skin her palm passed over.
“Goodness and light,” she said softly, “is like bathing in Champagne. It’s tingly and effervescent. It wakes you up even as it relaxes you.”
“Like sex,” he murmured. “With someone you like.”
“With someone you like?” She blinked. “Why would you have sex with someone you didn’t like?”
A rumbling purr vibrated his chest. “Baby, it’s like fighting, but with orgasms.”
“And less blood, I suppose.”
“Not if you’re doing it right.” He waggled his brows, and she rolled her eyes. “So what does evil feel like to you? If good feels good, then does evil feel bad?”
“That’s the funny thing.” She inched closer, adding another palm to his chest, and he gripped the cup so hard he heard it crack. More. He needed more. And damn her for making him crave it when he’d been perfectly fine being alone for all these years. “It’s as seductive as good, but in a different way.” She shivered delicately. “It’s hot. If good is like bathing in Champagne, evil is like bathing in whiskey. There’s a burn, but it’s almost always a lovely burn.”
Yeah, he felt that lovely burn where she was touching him. As she talked, it spread across his chest and into his abdomen, then lower, to his pelvis and groin. Everything tightened and grew feverish with lust.
“Seems to me,” he said in a humiliatingly rough voice, “that bumping up against evil would be an incredible temptation for angels like you.”
“It is,” she purred. “Which is why we aren’t allowed to leave Heaven except under certain circumstances, and even then, we must have an escort. It’s one of the reasons I know I can’t ever enter Sheoul. To become a True Fallen would be to have my full powers of detection restored, and I’d be skewed toward evil. The few Seraphim who have become fallen angels are like drug addicts, seeking out the most evil beings they can find, to serve them, to just be near them.”
He wondered how having a Seraphim fallen angel as a warden in the Inner Sanctum would play out. Then Cat dragged her palms down his chest to his abs, and he forgot all about everything except what was happening right now, right here in his home.

About Larissa Ione:

Larissa Ione is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. An Air Force veteran, she traded in a career as a meteorologist to pursue her passion of writing. She now spends her days in pajamas with her computer, strong coffee, and supernatural worlds. She believes in celebrating everything, and would never be caught without a bottle of Champagne chilling in the fridge…just in case. She currently lives in Wisconsin with her U.S. Coast Guard husband, her teenage son, a rescue cat named Vegas, and her very own hellhound, a King Shepherd named Hexe.     

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HADES Review & Excerpt Tour

May 22
May 23
BookLovers for Life-Review & Excerpt
Deluged With Books Café-Review & Excerpt
The Book Blog-Review & Excerpt
May 24
Books That Hook-Review & Excerpt
Cocktails and Books-Review & Excerpt
Undercover Book Reviews-Excerpt
May 25
Booky Ramblings of a Neurotic Mom-Review & Excerpt
Grownup Fangirl-Excerpt
Literary Misfit-Review & Excerpt
Love Affair with Fiction-Excerpt
New Syndrome Book-Excerpt
Rambling Reads-Review & Excerpt
TSK TSK What to Read-Review & Excerpt
May 26
May 27
May 28
Between the Lines-Review
Kelsey’s Corner Time-Review & Excerpt
Nite Lite Book Reviews-Review & Excerpt
Reading in Pajamas-Excerpt
Revenge of the Feels-Review & Excerpt
Smut Book Junkie Reviews-Review & Excerpt
May 29
Girls With Books-Excerpt
Got Nikki?-Excerpt
Reading Between the Wines-Excerpt
Travels N Reads-Review & Excerpt
Us Girls & A Book-Review & Excerpt
May 30
Book Liaison-Review & Excerpt
Jax’s Book Magic-Excerpt
Kayla’s Place-Review & Excerpt
Red Moon-Excerpt
Roxy’s Reviews-Excerpt
May 31
Becky on Books-Review & Excerpt
Evermore Books-Review & Excerpt
I Heart YA Books-Excerpt
Vera is Reading-Excerpt

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God!!!! I need this book, right now!!!!!
