Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Sorceress of His Own by Dianne Duvall: Interview & Giveaway

The Gifted Ones Book 1 
Dianne Duvall 
 Expected publication: June 2nd 2015 by Dianne Duvall   

From the New York Times bestselling author of the acclaimed Immortal Guardians series comes an enchanting new series full of romance, danger, and loyalty: The Gifted Ones 

 Since the day Lord Dillon earned his spurs, rumors of his savagery on the battlefield have preceded him into every room, stilling tongues and sparking fear. Weary of battle, he wishes only to find a woman he can wed who will approach him not with fear, but with the tenderness that has been absent from his life for so long. Yet only the wisewoman seems invariably at ease in his presence. Perhaps because she garners the same fear in others that he does himself. 

For seven years, Alyssa has been by Lord Dillon's side, counseling him from the shadows, healing him with her hands, and staving off the worst of his loneliness while his fearsome reputation keeps others at bay. Blessed—or cursed—with gifts that label her a sorceress, she is forced to conceal her youth and the love she harbors for him beneath umbral robes that lead Dillon and his people to believe she is the same aged wisewoman who served his father. 

 All is revealed, however, and passions flare when an enemy threatens Dillon's life and Alyssa sacrifices everything to save him. When Dillon discovers that the wisewoman is far from elderly, he is instantly entranced. And, as he and Alyssa work together to defeat an enemy bent on destroying them both, Dillon will risk anything—even the wrath of his king—to be with her.


Pre-Order Links:

Pre-order (before June 2nd) and enter the Pre-Order Extravaganza!
Every 1000 pre-orders that come in between now and June 2nd, the author will give away an Amazon Gift Card, each larger than the previous one. To enter, Fill Out This Form!

Sorceress Teaser Image 1
Sorceress Teaser Image 2
Sorceress Teaser Image 3

Author Bio

Dianne_Duvall_AuthorPic Dianne Duvall is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Immortal Guardians paranormal romance series and The Gifted Ones series. Her books have twice been nominated for the RT Reviewers' Choice Award for Best Vampire Romance and are routinely deemed Top Picks by RT Book Reviews, The Romance Reviews, and/or Night Owl Reviews. Reviewers have called Dianne's books "utterly addictive" (RT Book Reviews), "fast-paced and humorous" (Publishers Weekly), "extraordinary" (Long and Short Reviews), and "wonderfully imaginative" (The Romance Reviews). 

 Dianne loves all things creative. When she isn't writing, Dianne is active in the independent film industry and has even appeared on-screen, crawling out of a moonlit grave and wielding a machete like some of the vampires she has created in her books. For the latest news on upcoming releases, contests, and more, please visit You can also find Dianne online . . . 


Please welcome A Sorceress of His Own author Dianne Duvall to Diane’s Book Blog. 

What is your favorite part of the story, A Sorceress of His Own?

If you mean my favorite scene, I actually have several of them.  Although, I have to say that the scene in which Dillon surprises Alyssa while she’s in the bath is probably at the top of my list.  J  

If, on the other hand, you mean my favorite part in general . . .  One of my favorite aspects of this story is the friends becoming lovers theme.  As a reader, I have always loved romance novels in which the hero and heroine begin as friends, then become lovers.  And Dillon and Alyssa, the hero and heroine of A SORCERESS OF HIS OWN become close friends long before they become lovers.

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Stephen King.  He’s the one author I can always count on to phrase something in each of his books that makes me pause while reading and think, “Wow.  NO ONE else would think to describe that in such a way.”  It’s the reason I always recommend that writers either read or listen to his book ON WRITING.  He knows the craft so well.  I learn something new every time I read one of his books.  And his books always fire my imagination and make me want to sit down and write for hours.  J

What is your typical day like?  

I’m afraid I don’t really have one.  I’d love to say that I wake up every morning, have breakfast, then retire to my home office and write until noon before stopping and doing whatever else strikes my fancy for the rest of the day.  But I don’t.  I still work in the local independent film industry, which can have crazy hours and hectic schedules.  So I write whenever and wherever I can.  At home, where it’s nice and quiet.  On the set while actors run lines and the crew moves lighting equipment.  If I can grab time to write, I do it.  And, like most authors, I wear a lot of hats.  So, more often than not, I divide my time between writing my current manuscript, marketing and promoting my latest release, and going over edts, copyedits, or proofs for my next release.  The last, I admit can be tricky.  Several times, when writing posts for blog tours, I almost revealed major spoilers because I was already going over copyedits for the next book and forgot that information hadn’t been revealed yet.  J

How do you overcome writer’s block?

I go for a walk.  Dig in the flower bed.  Exercise.  Just get away from the computer for a bit to clear my head.  Changing the medium I use to write can help, too.  Putting pen to paper, for example, or switching to my NEO (a simple word processor with no distractions).

Sometimes, when I’m in the middle of a big blog tour like this one and am busy promoting a new release, I can go days without writing a single word on my current WIP.  Getting out of the habit of writing daily even for such a short time can occasionally make the writing come more slowly than usual when I get back to it.  But usually all I have to do to start the words flowing again is read through the last ten or twenty pages I wrote.  Then I get caught up in the story again and start typing away.

How long did it take you to write A Sorceress of His Own?

It took me longer than usual to write this one because it required a lot of historical research.  I researched everything from daily life in 12th century England (clothing,  medicine, housing, dining and cooking habits, and the like) to the politics and social strictures of that period.  I also had to pay more attention to language, both in dialogue and in narration.  I wanted to book to have a medieval feel, so I avoided using words that were not yet in use in the 12th century.  It was an interesting challenge, but I enjoyed it.  And, ironically, the research I did for this book actually helped me create more realistic characters in my Immortal Guardians contemporary paranormal romance series, because the heroes in the first two books were born in 11th and 12th century England.


Giveaway Details: One winner - $50 Amazon Gift Card* One winner - $20 Amazon Gift Card* One winner - Signed book (winner's choice) from author's back list
a Rafflecopter giveaway      


Visit these other participating blogs!
May 19 - EBookObsessed
May 27 - Tea and Book
June 15 - Author's Taproom


  1. Thank you for hosting Dianne today, and I hope that you enjoy A SORCERESS OF HIS OWN (June 2nd)!

  2. thanks for the excerpt and the interview!
