Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thoeba by Donna Milward: Interview & Giveaway


Donna Milward

Genre- Fantasy
Published On- July 20th, 2011
Published By- Staccato Publishing


Thoeba is a creature of light. As all things must be in balance, when the Energy created her kind it also created the darkness.

Thoeba’s world fell to darkness forcing her to flee. She came to Earth to protect the Energy, losing everything in the process.

Darkness has found a way to follow her and threatens to take this world as well.

With only humans as allies, can she succeed?

Available at:


Thoeba’s heart lurched. For ten minutes the Energy hadn’t calmed down, hadn’t come back to Itself.

If anything, It retreated further. That frightened her. She feared it would die right then and there, and it

might be her fault. Surely her argument with the humans hadn’t caused this?

 What had come over her?

 She asked it of herself over again. It had been awhile since she had dealt with their species, but she

didn’t dislike them that much. She should have known better than to talk to them that way. They were

sensitive. Not to mention Peter had saved her life.

 She hadn’t noticed the profound silence until a familiar scent caressed her nostrils like the touch of an

abusive lover.

 Sulphuric death.

 She turned toward the entrance.

 A demon, in all its dark glory, took up the entire doorframe. Two red coals glowed from the shadows.

It hunched forward, as though the weight of its single horn were too much for its scrawny neck muscles.

 It grinned at her, an expression as welcoming as a dinner invitation from a vampire, with bigger


 She scanned for exits. Two windows, neither large enough to jump through. The only way out on this

floor was occupied. Any weapons she might use were in the kitchen where the monster emerged.

 Options? Only the stairs.

 Thoeba raced up, heard the beast lurching across the floor. She got to the top and ran for the veranda.

 The French doors were open. She took a step, spread her wings...

 And slammed to the floor.

About the Author

Donna Milward lives in Edmonton, Alberta in a tiny house with a huge yard. She’s been writing all her life, but decided to put writing on hold to get ‘a real job’ as a meatcutter and build a future with her beloved troll, Dan and her cats Freya, and Spartacus Jones.

Twelve years later, an invitation to a Romance Writer’s Conference in Washington D.C. led not only to new friends and new knowledge, but to the inspiration to write again. Thoeba was completed the following year.
Donna likes to mix her fascination with reincarnation and all things paranormal with her love of mythology in her work, and has even written her own myth ‘The Sacred Truth” (on as the lore behind Thoeba and future novels to come.

Donna enjoys fishing, gardening and canning. Despite these hobbies, she much prefers city life.

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Please welcome 'Thoeba' author Donna Milward to Diane's Boook Blog:

What inspired you to write your first book?

I had so many false starts I’d have to answer for the completion of Thoeba. I hadn’t written anything for 12 years, but I went to an RWA convention in Washington D.C. with a friend, and that started me right back up for good.

What is your favorite book that you wrote and why? 

Right now it’s ‘Aphrodite’s War’. That book was so easy to write, and I had so much confidence writing it. Still Thoeba is like my first born...special. 

If you were stranded on a desert island which of your characters do you want by your side?

Peter, hands down. He’s military and a bit of a survivalist. He likes camping and fishing, so I’d have food and shelter plus a hot guy to look at.

If you could be best friends with one of your characters, who would it be?

Poetry, because she’s the kind of person I hang out with. We listen to the same kind of music, we both create. I have friends who make jewelry AND friends with multiple piercings and tattoos. I think I may have accidently designed her to be my best friend, now that you mention it.

Who or what inspired you to be a writer?

I had a lot of teachers during junior high and high school that would constantly tell me, ‘You should be a writer.’ It made perfect sense to me. I get the biggest rush from writing something I’m proud of.

What books have most influenced your life?

Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 is THE book. Most books influence my writing, and the list is enormous. As for influences on my life...that was Dr. Suess. He taught me how to play in my own mind.

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Ray Bradbury is my absolute favorite. His imagination is ridiculous. I remember seeing an opening for his TV show where he takes the viewer into his writing room covered in eclectic paraphernalia. He gleans inspiration from anything, and he’s predicted some amazing things like reality TV. I want a legacy like his. I want to write books that outlive me.

What is your typical day like? 

Pretty boring! On a good day in my routine, morning is for writing. Then lunch, followed by chores and errands. I spend the evenings doing everything from checking e-mails, going to dinners with friends, goofing off on Facebook, reading, and playing with my cats. I feel I work best this way, but having said that, I visit Facebook WAY too often.   

How do you overcome writer’s block?

I walk away for a bit, and mellow on it. It’s important not to freak out. I’m lucky, because when I let go, my brain gives me the answers. I’ve also come back from an RWA conference where I’ve learned new techniques including proper diet, desk yoga and meditation.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?

How’s this?
            Last month Jake didn’t believe in restless spirits or anything remotely ‘paranormal’. Hell, he didn’t know what the word even meant until he googled a few things. He used to think everything could be explained by science and common sense. It wasn’t until his mother died that Jake started noticing things in the house.
     He’d grown up in that shack. He knew all the creaks and groans it made over the years--houses settled.
     It started with footsteps pacing his room, back and forth past his bed. That and the sound of weeping. Jake snaked out at the memory as he decelerated for the stop sign leading to the highway.
     He got the same tingle down his spine just remembering it as he did when he’d turned the light on and found nothing there. When it stopped he’d chalked it up to a vivid dream--guilty conscious maybe?
     But it didn’t quit for long. He noticed footsteps following him, felt eyes on him. And that fucking crying! All the fucking time now.
     He thought he’d gone off the deep end. Thought maybe that old bitch had come back from the grave so she could drive him as crazy as herself. Or maybe it was one of the others…

What book are you reading now?

I’m reading a book I received from the RWA conference in San Antonio, Texas. It’s called “Queen of Your Own Life: The Grown-up Woman’s Guide to Claiming Happiness and Getting the Life You Serve.” From Kathy Kinney and Cindy Ratzlaff. It’s about feeling good about yourself while you get older. So far it’s cute and funny.

What do you prefer paperback, hardcover, or ebooks?

All of the above!! Paperbacks are best for travel—they fit in my purse. Hardcovers are great for reading outside in the sun, or where ever you need a substantial hand-hold. E-books are for everywhere else. I’m slowly tilting toward e-books though. They take up such little space, and that’s becoming important to me.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Mostly thanks for all the support. I’d also like to tell readers that I just came home from a writer’s conference and I have all kinds of ideas waiting to burst from my head. I know I’ve been babbling about the conference all interview, but I am SO excited! Wish me luck, because there’s a lot I want to do before this time next year!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Thoeba sounds like such an excellent story - it's not my normal read, but the blurb and interview have me interested!! I like the whole "Creature of light" thing!

    -Jac @ Two Moms Reading
