Friday, July 11, 2014

The Boy (The Sanctum Trilogy, #2) by Madhuri Blaylock: Character Interview & Giveaway

The Boy 
(The Sanctum Trilogy, #2)
by Madhuri Blaylock


“Every now and again an excellent novel will come forth dealing with fantasy and magic that will just grab and hold my attention from beginning to end. That is exactly what THE GIRL did.” -- OOSA Online Book Club

In THE GIRL, Madhuri Blaylock introduced readers to the world of The Sanctum, one corrupted by greed and savagery and hellbent on achieving a single goal: destroying the prophesied hybrid. When one of its most celebrated warriors questioned his allegiances, age-old secrets were unveiled and violence erupted. The journey becomes more perilous and intense as the trilogy surges forward with


Can you cross the plains of death, collect every piece of your soul and make it back to the land of the living?

And if you complete the journey, will your loved ones welcome your return?

The Ramyan have been answering such questions since the creation of The Sanctum. A mysterious sect of Magicals, haunting the blank spaces of time and memory, they serve no one but themselves and their higher purpose. They exist on a plane removed from earthly matters, shifting easily between the living and the dead, moving in time to the beat of their own drummer.

At least they did. Dev and Wyatt change all of that when the prophesied hybrid lands on the steps of Rinshun Palace, seeking help for the wounded Class A Warrior. That decision alters lives and sets old agendas back on course. But at what cost to Dev and Wyatt? And does that really even matter?

“The characters in Madhuri Blaylock's novel...are well written and unique, and the story is just fantastic...I just loved every page of the story!” - Readers' Favorite


“We’re Sanctum, Ryker,” Dot replied as she began a sun salutation, “we do not become emotionally tied. To anything or anyone.”

Ryker remained silent.

Moving into a warrior pose, Dot continued.

“But I suppose you and Wyatt did not get that memo.”

Rather than engage Dot in conversation, Ryker joined her in a warrior II pose.

“Sam and Josiah should have never allowed you boys to become so dependent upon one another. Very few Sanctum have been so intertwined and when they have, the results have been disastrous. Now that he’s gone, you’re incapable of functioning and fulfilling your duties as a warrior.”

“He’s not gone,” Ryker insisted.

Dot heard the pain in her son’s voice and relented a bit.

“I don’t mean it like that, Ryker. I know you know Wyatt is still alive. What troubles me is how you’re handling his absence.”

Ryker broke his pose and sat on the floor, watching his mom go through her routine. He knew Dot was tough, but sometimes that toughness came across as plain, cold-heartedness. She didn’t mean it that way; she loved him and was just worried, Ryker simply wished her mode of conveying that concern was a bit warmer. He couldn’t remember the last time she hugged him, touched him affectionately.

“I’m handling his absence by helping Jools stave off a Sanctum-wide revolution, ma,” Ryker explained quietly, “I’m investigating violations of The Book of Peace by the Breslins, looking into Ava’s murder of Jasper and Kalinda Edwards at the last meeting of The Circle of Ten and speaking to other Founding Family members. So I think I am handling Wyatt’s temporary absence just fine.”

Dot looked down on her elder son and softened, despite the voice inside her head telling her to beware. That was The Sanctum speaking to her, always reaching out and cutting off the ties to her children. First taking them at such a young age and now, telling her to shut them out. But she had always been stronger than The Sanctum, and today was no different.

She reached down and caressed Ryker’s face, a gesture she couldn’t remember indulging in since he was small. He closed his eyes and bowed his head, as if ashamed by his need for her affection. Dot’s heart broke as she watched him, wondering over the years how many times he had craved her touch, needed her arms around him. He was a grown man now but Ryker would always be her baby, so she bent down and did what she hadn’t done in almost a decade: pulled her son into her arms and held him as he cried.


Madhuri is a Jersey City Heights girl via Snellville, Georgia, who writes paranormal fiction and is slightly infatuated with tattoos, four-inch heels, ice cream, Matt Damon, scotch, Doc Martens, Laini Taylor, photo booths and dancing like a fool.

She's currently working on The Sanctum trilogy and hopes one day soon, everyone is walking around with copies of The Girl and The Boy in their pocket or on their Kindle.

She wants to get a goat and a burro, but since she lives in the city, will settle for some chickens.

To learn more about her, you can follow her blog at, follow her on Twitter at @madhuriblaylock or like her on Facebook at

She's totally chatty so drop her a line any time.

Character Interview

Please welcome Ryker Jamal Morrison from Madhuri Blaylock's The Boy (The Sanctum Trilogy, #2):

What is your name? 

Ryker Jamal Morrison 

Do you have a nickname? 

Don’t think so... (smirks)

What is your hair color? 

Dark brown 

Eye color? 

Dark brown

How old are you? 

20, but some days I feel closer to 50

Where were you born? 

BK, baby. Brooklyn, NY

Where have you lived since then? 

My family has lived on the same block in Fort Greene forever.

Where do you currently call home? 

The Santum’s New York Academy, run by the Clayworth family. I’ve lived and trained there since I was ten.

What is in your refrigerator right now? 

Milk, some takeout Chinese and a bottle of vodka in the freezer. It’s pretty sparse since I can always just grab a bite in The Academy’s main kitchen. That, and I’m a horrible cook.

On your bedroom floor? 

Books, boots, weapons and holsters. I’ve got a bit of an obsession with all types of holsters. It’s a problem. My suite is crawling with holsters. Do you need a holster? Cuz I’ve probably got one for you.

On your nightstand? 

James Bladwin’s Go Tell It On The Mountain, Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses, John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, and Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon. I know, I know, most Sanctum don’t sit around reading Human novels, but I love them. Can’t get enough of them. So I guess I’m pretty lucky living with the Clayworths, because they have a library like no other. The whole Academy is a collection of books. There’s also an old alarm clock. It no longer works, but belonged to my grandfather and I love it.

In your garbage can? 

Garbage (shoots a strange look)

Who are the people you are closest to? 

Wyatt and Jools Clayworth, and my little brother, Sachin. There’s a pretty big age difference between us, but he’s got an old soul and on the rare occasions I’m able to sneak home, he and I can spend hours together, shooting the shi...sorry about that...talking. We can spend hours talking.

Who is your funniest friend? 

Jedda, the shifter. He knows how to live and makes certain, when you’re with him, you do, too.

What is your biggest fear? 

Forgetting how to laugh - having my joy killed out of me

What is your most treasured possession? 

Wyatt’s leather strap he received when we became Class A Warriors

What or who is the greatest love of your life? 

Jools Clayworth. Easily. Although, her brother is a close second. And he’s much easier to handle.

What is your favorite journey? 

Any that leads to a sense of happiness - it could be something as profound as saving a Magical’s life or as selfish as lying in bed an extra hour, wrapped around Jools. I just want to always know how to find and appreciate my happy place.

Which living person do you most despise? 

Carter Breslin, but Ava Breslin is a close second. I would kill both of them with my bare hands.

What is your greatest regret? 

Not laughing more often

Which talent would you most like to have? 

I would love to be able to sing like Raphael Saadiq. Or shoot a basketball like Carmelo Anthony. And I know, I’m touting Humans again, but they possess what I want, seeing as last time I checked, there weren’t any Magical ball players and their singing leaves something to be desired.

What is the quality you most like in a man/woman?

Honor. And a sense of humor.

What do you most value in your friends? 

Honesty but knowing when and where a white lie serves well

Who is your favorite hero of fiction? 

Since you’re Human, I’m assuming you mean Human fiction. Boy oh boy, Carter Breslin would love to string me up for this interview, what with all my lauding of humanity. But I digress. Um, favorite fictional hero would have to be Lando Calrissian. He’s Black, he’s cool, he goes from being kind of bad to kind of good and most importantly, he survived. Haha. You know they love to kill off the black man, so I’ve gotta support those of us who manage to make it out alive.

In real life? 

Come on, really? My pops.

Which living person do you most admire? 

These days, and this shocks me as much as it’s going to shock you, I would have to say Jools.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse? 

Trust me. Not that you shouldn’t, but yeah, sometimes you shouldn’t (grins wickedly).

What is your motto? 

Find your happy. It’s lame, but trust me, in my line of work, this life of killing and death, it matters.


Follow this link and comment for a  better their chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here: 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Diane, just want to say thanks for hosting THE BOY today. I hope everyone who stops by enjoys the interview with Ryker. I'll be checking in throughout the day, so folks should feel free to leave comments and questions and I'll reply to all of them. Thanks again…cheers!

  2. Madhuri I loved your character interview! Good luck with your tour and you are welcome at Diane's Book Blog any time.

  3. Love these character interviews. Really brings life to the characters.

  4. Thanks so much, Diane. I totally appreciate your support and had loads of fun with Ryker's character interview. Cheers!

  5. Thanks for stopping by, Karen (your face is becoming quite familiar). I, too, love these character interviews and you're right, they do add another dimension to the characters. In fact, I think I'm going to do one for my own blog, so feel free to stop by there as well and check it out (

  6. Great character interview, thanks for sharing!

  7. Thanks for stopping by, collenga. Glad you enjoyed the interview. It was loads of fun to do and really allows you to delve a bit deeper into the characters, flesh out their personalities, and the like. Hope you check out the trilogy. Cheers!

  8. I enjoyed the character interview!

  9. i liked the exceprt

  10. I liked the Excerpt

